100 Patient Attracting Video Ideas.
Hi I’m Angus and thanks for checking
out my site.
You’ve clearly clicked on this page to find out a little more about me.
So…who am I?
Well, firstly…that’s a tough one for me to answer and I’ve been thinking about that for decades. I’m still not sure who I really am, if you’ve got a good answer then PLEASE let me know. Instead let me tell you a little about some of the things I love to do….
I’ve been practicing chiropractic since 1997 and have run my own practice since 1999.
I share this with your for 2 reasons:
1. I actually do and implement this stuff for a living…not just teach it! I understand the practical application of marketing and I know what’s it’s like to run a business, manage staff and look after patients.
2. I didn’t start my practice in the “internet era”. When I started my practice we had no email, website and certainly no social media. I’m not a natural at tech and if I can learn, implement and teach this stuff then so can you!

I’ve been a student of marketing since 2008. Prior to that I always thought of marketing as pushy, sleazy and only for those practitioners that didn’t do a good job at helping their patients.
Yet here I was…patients loved my work, I got good referrals, amazing results and yet I had ZERO predictability about where my next new patient was going to come from.
To make it worse, I was exhausted, burnt out and needed a holiday… sound familiar?
So, I reached out for help. I spent thousands on marketing agencies, websites, mail outs, advertisements and I did screenings and talks.
The end result…either a loss of money or dignity (sometimes both!).
It seemed that no one understood my needs and what was unique about natural health care (everyone was offering a cookie cutter approach).
After 2 years and a lot of wasted $$$$ I decided that marketing just wasn’t for me. I had no more money to waste and there’s no way I was going to continue to demean myself with cheap and sleazy tactics, cold calling or standing at the mall doing screenings.
But…in 2008, after a 2 year marketing hiatus…I gave it one last go.
This time it was different though. Instead of trying to push, coerce and entice people into coming and seeing me I tried the exact opposite approach.

My motto was simple…just be cool and helpful!
I started making short and helpful videos that helped my patients and my community with their health goals.
I shared stretches, eating tips, best practices for sleep, exercise and stress management… you name it.
The Results were extraordinary.
• My patients loved these videos and got better results. This increased my retention.
• My patients shared these videos with with their friends. This increased my referrals.
• More people started visiting my website to watch the videos. This increased my page ranking and and my SEO and resulted in an extra $119,808 of income that year.
• My videos got noticed in the community and I was asked to be a regular on radio and morning TV. This increased my authority and celebrity positioning.
I was fascinated by this heart centred approach and pretty soon I was being asked by other practitioners to help them out.
I taught them how to come up with topics for their videos, how shoot them, upload them and share them with their communities and the results were the same…a predictable heart centred marketing strategy that evened out the ups and downs of practice.
Fast forward to today and I’ve now spoken on stages around the world, have mentored more than 2700 natural health practitioners from around the world and have had in excess of 151,000 downloads of my Marketing Your Practice Podcast.
So…it a nutshell that’s me!

I was fascinated by this heart centred approach and pretty soon I was being asked by other practitioners to help them out.
I taught them how to come up with topics for their videos, how shoot them, upload them and share them with their communities and the results were the same…a predictable heart centred marketing strategy that evened out the ups and downs of practice.
Fast forward to today and I’ve now spoken on stages around the world, have mentored more than 2700 natural health practitioners from around the world and have had in excess of 151,000 downloads of my Marketing Your Practice Podcast.
So…it a nutshell that’s me!
Here’s 3 ways I can help you now
1. Want to learn more about heart centred marketing…Check out my podcast
2. Want to learn how to make magnetic, patient attracting videos…check out Video Influence 3.0
3. Want support and coaching…check out Community Influencer
Thanks for reading